🧠 Beehive Mastermind Group(s)! 🧠

  • Sport: All Sorts Of Social
  • Format: 6 Person Coed Groups
  • Locations: Salt Lake City and Surrounding Areas
  • Days of the week: Monday
  • Started on : Started on Monday, May 13
  • Dates: 5.13
  • Times: 7:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Monday, May 13

🚨 What is a mastermind group? 🚨

Well, I googled it and here's the official definition:

Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability and support to sharpen your professional and personal skills. A mastermind group helps its members achieve success. Members challenge each other to set strong goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them.

🏋️‍♀️Sounds a little different than our usual schtick, huh?! 🏋️‍♀️

Well, different can be good! So, if you're looking for a fire to be lit under your butt so you can level up in some way shape or form. Sign up and let's explore this together :) 🔥🔥

Groups of 6 will be formed around shared goals, ages, availabilities and potentially sexes. Groups will meet every other week for 1-2 hours to chat for 5 months (10 meetings). Coffee shop, bar, restaurant, park...it all works. ☕

I, Beehive Dave, will play the part of facilitator. Providing the groups with questions to start the conversation. Information shared within groups will remain strictly private and anonymous.

Why does it cost money? 💰💰

Well, in a nutshell, to separate those who are serious from those who aren't. If your group sticks together for the duration of the 10 meetings, I will send your registration fee back to you before the last meeting (less credit card fees etc) so you can all treat yourselves to dinner together to celebrate!

Where it goes from there is up to you! 🦾🦾🦾

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 21 to 50