🌟🌟 Beehive's Golden Rules 🌟🌟
Be nice to each other,
Be nice to your referees,
Show up on-time,
Know the rules.
Nine regulation size balls will be used: 8 Rhino Skin balls and 1 women's ball (small rubber ball). Only women may use this ball to block and throw. If a man blocks with or throws the women ball, he is out. To start each team will have 4 rhino skin balls on their side, the women's ball will be placed on the mid court line.
Teams are comprised of at least 7 players with at least 2 ladies beginning every game. A team must have at least 5 players, and one lady, to avoid a forfeit.
A regulation match consists of two 20 minute halves with a brief halftime. As many games that can be played during this time will constitute the match.
Game Types
A game is played until all opponents are eliminated on one side. If time expires for either the first half or the full game (20 minutes per half), the ongoing game will be completed.
Game Play
Each player must have contact with the back wall for the start. Once the referee calls for the game to start, all players may grab a ball and begin throwing.
Time Outs
Each team is allowed three 30 second time outs over all the games in a match.
A player shall be deemed "out":
NOTE: If a ball is deflected off of a player and then caught by a player on the same team, the thrower is OUT and the player that was hit with the ball is NOT OUT.
Players shall return to the game in the order they got "out" (i.e. first "out," first "in"). A player is LIVE as soon as the ball is caught by their team (PAY ATTENTION). Players are responsible for calling themselves out. If an official judge in the Beehive court of sport law notices that a player is not calling themselves out, they will receive one warning. If this occurs again they will be required to sit out one match for every infraction thereafter. If this penalty causes the team to be short on players the infraction team will play the next game shorthanded. Don't be THAT GUY.
Players can defend themselves by blocking the ball in flight with another ball but must retain control over the ball they are blocking with. A player dropping or losing possession of the blocking ball who is unable to regain possession before the ball becomes dead is deemed "out." Dead is defined as contacting any out of play area. Any blocked ball rebounding off another ball is considered LIVE. Any player hit by the rebounding ball is deemed "out." If a legally thrown ball ricochets off a blocking ball and hits the player holding that ball, that player is out. When holding a ball and blocking, the hand is part of the ball.
A headshot occurs when a player is hit directly in the head by a high thrown ball. A high thrown ball is a ball thrown above shoulder height of the person hit in the head. Shoulder height is the height of the shoulders of the player in an upright standing position. If a player is ducking or crouching and hit in the head this will NOT be deemed a headshot as the ball was NOT thrown above shoulder height.
A player hit in the head by a high thrown ball will be deemed "safe", and any thrower committing a headshot will be deemed "out". A player raising their hands/arms to defend themselves from a headshot will not be called "out" if the ball hits their hands/arms above shoulder height in the act of defending themselves; and the thrower will be called "out". A player unsuccessful in their attempt to CATCH a high thrown ball will be deemed "out".
It is the official's judgment as to whether the player is defending themselves or attempting to catch the ball. A ball deflected by another ball, player, or object is no longer considered a high thrown ball. Should the ball strike a player in the head after a deflection, that player shall be deemed out, even if their own block deflected the ball
If you throw at people's heads repeatedly, you will be warned and then removed from the game.
Team Substitution Rules
Barring injury, the 7 players a team starts with are the only players who can play in an individual game. Between games, teams may substitute as many players are they wish (assuming 2 ladies remain in play). Those 7 players must rotate in on a first out, first in basis. Players must come in from the same side.
Mercy Rule
When the mercy rule is triggered (e.g., the losing team is down 6 games), any successful catch by the losing team revives all eliminated teammates instead of just one. If the losing team wins the game, the rule is waived for the next game.
Uniforms and protective equipment are considered part of the player. Any player hit on any part of their uniform or protective equipment will be considered "out". Each team should wear uniforms as specified by the league. Beehive shirts are mandatory except on days when no clothes are worn (kidding).
Overtime (Playoffs Only):
If the score is tied at the end of regulation, an overtime game will be played. This will be a one-off winner take all game to be played with standard rules.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Any participant that does not conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner will be removed from the game. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes the following:
Fighting: Fighting will result in a player's permanent suspension from participation in Beehive Sport & Social Club.
Substitute Players
Subs are welcome to join Beehive during the regular season for up to 3 weeks. They can fill in for any reason without needing to notify us. Just show up with a good attitude and a basic knowledge of the rules.
If they wish to continue playing they need to join the roster by registering on the website. No, we don't have an enforcement mechanism for this except our trust in your human integrity.
During the playoffs the following stipulations will be strictly observed:
To complete the process, remove the app from your Facebook settings.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.