Softball Rules

🌟🌟 Beehive's Golden Rules ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Be nice to each other,

Be nice to your referees,

Show up on-time, 

Know the rules.





Teams are allowed to have a maximum of 10 players on the field, with a minimum of 4 females on the field at any given time. If a team has only three females, they must play a man down with a total of 9 on the field. In the event a team has less than 10 players at game time, 3 must be female. A team must have at least 8 total players in order to avoid forfeit. Forfeits will be called 10 minutes after scheduled start time. One player must play catcher and one player must pitch. Beyond that, positions are up to you.


There is no maximum to the number of players allowed on the roster, all players on the roster may bat in a game.




  • Softballs will be provided by Beehive Sports. Bats must be provided by the teams playing. Metal Bats must have a USSSA or ASA certification stamp. No wooden bats are allowed.
  • Gloves and any other equipment must be provided by the teams.
  • Metal cleats are not allowed.


Game Format


All games will last 50 minutes and be timed by the umpire. As in baseball, if the away team is losing and fails to take the lead or tie before three outs, the game will be over. If the away team ties or takes the lead at the 50-minute mark, the home team will get their at bat in the bottom of the last inning. Games can end in a tie during regular season. Extra innings will be played per standard baseball rules in the playoffs.


Mercy Rules


If a team goes up by 15 runs at any point during the game, each additional run scored (limit 20) will grant the trailing team an additional out during their next at bat. For example, if a team scores 18 runs to make the score 18-0, the trailing team will receive the standard 3 outs during their next at bat as well as 3 additional outs for a total of 6 outs. 


If at any point a team is leading by 20 runs, the leading team will end their at-bat and take the field.


The leading team while up 20 runs may only score an additional 5 runs during each subsequent at bat. 


Additional outs for the trailing team are capped at 10 per inning.


If a team is leading by 20 runs at the 40 minute mark, the team leading will win the game. Play will only continue until time expires.


Game Play




This is Slow Pitch Softball. The pitch must be thrown underhand and be lobbed in. The arc on the ball must be of a reasonable angle to be determined by the umpire. As a general rule, the ball must at some point in its arc be over the batters head but never more than 14ft above the plate.


As a rule, no "ball" or "strike" call will be made while the ball is in mid-air. In other words, the batter can swing at (and miss) a "ball" and it be called a "strike."


For a pitch to be called a strike, the player must swing and miss OR hit a foul ball OR not swing and the pitch be called a strike by the umpire. Slow pitch strike mats (home plate extensions) will be used to determine a called strike. If the pitch hits the plate or the strike mat or one ball width around the sides and back of either the plate or the mat, then it may be called a strike depending on the pitch angle.


Balls and Strikes


Beehive softball works on a 3-2 count. This means the pitch count goes as such: 2 strikes and you are out, 3 balls and you draw a walk. A ball is a pitch which fails to legally go through the strike zone. A strike is a ball which legally goes through the strike zone without being hit. A foul is any ball which is hit but does not legally go into play. This includes failing to reach 3rd or 1st on the ground before going out of play, or failing to land in play on the fly. The first foul will result in a strike. The second strike however requires 2 fouls. A strike for the second strike results in an out regardless of the cause of the first strike.


To put that in simpler terms:


  • 1 strike then 2 fouls is an out
  • 3 fouls is an out
  • 1 foul then 1 strike is an out


The referee will help remind any new batters if they are having problems knowing where they are at in the count. It can be a bit tricky at first.


If the ball is caught in foul territory, even after the third strike the ball remains live. Runners may advance at their own risk.

After any live ball play once the ball returns to the pitchers mound the play is dead. The umpire can also call a play dead.


If a guy is walked, the girl after him has the option to hit or take first base. Whatever she decides, the guy still goes to second base. 




No two males may bat in a row with one exception. Two times during the game the batting team may elect to use two male batters in a row. The team must notify the referee they are electing to use two consecutive male batters and the next male in the batting order must be the batter used. Two women may bat in a row. The lineup can not be altered mid game. It must be the same throughout the entire game (unless someone needs to use the bathroom or leave for another emergency type reason).


Home Run Rule


Beehive will play a 1-up home run rule based on the gender of the batter (1-up men and 1-up women). These function separately, it is possible to be 1-up men but 1-down women or vice versa. A home run hit when a team is 1-up will result in an automatic out. When time has expired, a home run can only be hit to an equal number of home runs (you cannot go 1-up after time has expired).


Homerun hitters can elect to run the bases orrrrrrrr go get their homerun ball so we can keep the game going.


Running the Bases


There will be two bases at 1st base to provide runners with an outside run through base. This is to avoid collisions. The run through base on first is provided for close plays at first base, if a double or triple is hit, it is acceptable to forgo this base as a runner and touch the inside base to continue on to 2nd base. The fielder must give the runner space to touch the inside bag if there is no play at the base.


Runners must run along the baseline without obstruction by field players. If a runner is obstructed, they will be safe at the next base. A player is out when they are tagged in any fashion by a player holding the ball. The fielder must maintain possession of the ball throughout the tag. Tagging a player above the shoulders is discouraged and will result in that player being safe.


No sliding or diving is allowed. A runner who slides will be called out.


Crossing the incorrect home base will result in an automatic out and the run not counting. Warnings may be issued week one.


No runner will be allowed to steal or lead off from a base before the ball is contacted by the batter.


A runner may not knock a ball loose from a player with any kind of physical contact.


Tagging up is allowed once the ball has been touched by the person attempting to catch it.


Pinch/substitute runners are only allowed for injury. They will be placed by the umpire even with the 3rd base line on the 1st base side of the field far enough away from the plate to avoid interference in the at bat.


Overthrow Rules


If a ball is overthrown, but remains within the fences, runners may continue to run freely.


If a ball is overthrown out of play (outside the fences or in the dugout), runners are only allowed a maximum of 1 base. This is to be determined by the position of the runner when the ball exits play.


Once a fielder regains control and holds the ball on the infield, if the runner is not farther than halfway to the next base they must return to the previous base. If the runner is past half way, they may continue to the next base. This is to be determined by the umpire.


Infield Fly Rule 


The infield fly rule is only possible when there is a force at third (bases loaded or runners on 1st and 2nd) and fewer than two outs. In this situation, if there is a pop up to the infield that the umpire determines to be catchable, the umpire will shout Infield fly the batter is out which removes the force out and the runners may advance (at their own risk) if the ball is not caught or tag-up and advance if it is caught.




Sliding will be not permitted in any division.


Other Rules


  • When a female is batting outfielders must stay a reasonable distance off the dirt. Additionally teams may not add additional infielders for female batters.
  • No Alcohol is permitted on park lands by the State of Utah.
  • Team Captains are responsible for controlling the behavior of their teams.
  • The umpire has final ruling.



Substitute Players


Subs are welcome to join Beehive during the regular season for up to 3 weeks. They can fill in for any reason without needing to notify us. Just show up with a good attitude and a basic knowledge of the rules. 


If they wish to continue playing they need to join the roster by registering on the website. No, we don't have an enforcement mechanism for this except our trust in your human integrity.


During the playoffs the following stipulations will be strictly observed:


  • You must have all playoff subs approved before the start of playoffs. (This means your team should have a chat before the playoffs to ascertain if/when roster players aren't going to make games so the captain can find subs/contact the league with appropriate requests).


  • There is a limit on the number of subs that you may request (Kickball/Softball/Flag Football - 3 subs; Soccer/Dodgeball/Sand Volleyball/Indoor Volleyball/Futsal/Basketball - 2 subs; Cornhole/Darts/Pickleball - No subs are allowed).


  • You cannot request subs if you have enough rostered players to field a team. For example: Kickball is a 10v10 sport. If you have 14 players on your kickball roster and 4 are injured, you cannot request subs as you still have 10 (enough to field a full team). If you have 11 on your kickball roster and 3 are injured, you may request 2 subs so that you have 10 players.


  • Teams found to be in violation of any substitute player rules here can be retroactively forfeited from advancing (ie we find out after your first round game but before your second round game that you violated the rules, the team you beat will advance in your place).


  • In the past, subs would only be approved for injury and illness. Now, subs will be approved for whatever reason you deem them necessary (work trips, concerts, weddings, etc all fine).


  • The season being extended due to inclement weather doesn't change any of the other substitute player stipulations listed here.


  • Approved subs (or your rostered players) must be used the entirety of the playoffs (you can't have Jane and Sally sub the first week of playoffs and Joan and Sarah the second week of playoffs).